Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Make some Noise


OK CONCERT @ Toronto Public Library for free to help promote the local music CD collection of indie acts. Cosponsored by Soundscapes and Exclaim.

Who was there Slim Twig, Masia One, Winter Gloves & Gentlemen Reg.

All ages show meaning the concert was suppose to end at 11pm so the young ones could meet their curfew but at last delay meant the show went into overtime, it was amusing watching the kids who had to leave Early or try to get an extension to their curfew.

The music was good and very indie right down to the hip hop represented by Masia One and her b-girl dancer's and female Dj.

Can't wait for next Make some noise instalment in the near year!

sharp tongued 1

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I sell the Dead


The best of the shorts hands down...
Jason Eisener master piece is great environmental horror flick with lots of themes that are relevant to today..

great film had everything packed in a too short 15min run..

I've never laughed screamed and cried so hard as in this 15 min revenge tale made by the trailer PARK team..

good reason to go the nfb and request the film made available..

where does this short go after it's debut.

I sell the dead

Victorian horror tale .

with zombie, vampire's and what ever else the dead turns in to...

only one small plot point miss what does the old man played Angus Scrimm do with the dead bodies dig up by the grave robber.. I don't think it was explained or I must have missed that part when it was explained..

Supernatural tale to the end and well acted as well..

something different to end Toronto After Dark..

Gala party and the director actors all mingled with the fans.

shout out to Glenn McQuaid, Larry Fressenden and all involved with the film they had a hard act to follow after seeing Treevenge which was a triumph and tour DE force..
sharp tongued 1 out...