Friday, November 6, 2009

Going Back To Camp

Going Back To Camp
by Paulette Andria Hamilton

On Saturday June 6th 2009 I was invited to Play tennis at Havergal College courts at Lytton Park Tennis Camp. Shawn Reynolds the Tennis director introduced me around to what the camp offers. I witnessed kids barely 4yrs old playing with Nerf balls and Tennis rackets really practising their swing through games of "What time is it Mr. wolf" and "Jail break". Lytton Park Tennis camp is not like any another Camp for kids, I was expecting to see John McEnroe type instructors but what I found was Jimmy Connors, and Chris Everett or for you younger viewers, William sisters and the like.

All the the instructors are OTA certified and know how to motivate 4yr olds right up the 16 years old teens which is hard in this day and age of playing Wii on Nintendo.

So how does this guy motivate Parents and their children to come to a camp that is partly about playing Tennis?

Lets go back in time a young man comes from Sudbury Ontario, Dreams about being actor is influenced with words of wisdom from his High school teacher Mr.Gabe Guzzo who gave Shawn Reynolds some sage advise especially being a small town boy moving to the big city.
The actor makes a transition from acting and finds his passion from playing tennis, he decides to open up a Camp a tennis training camp for kids at Avenue & Lawrence Rd , The Posh grounds of Havergal College private school for girls. He searches for instructors from the Ontario Tennis Association who think just like him or have a the same Philosophy about what a camp should be.

Shawn finds Jonathan Leizerovici his right hand man who helps to shape the camp. A place that is built on the premise that the process of learning should be both interactive and engaging.
I see kids playing warm up games before learning a mix of traditional skills building drills and non -traditional games designed to improve eye-hand coordination and stamina.

I ask Jonathan what made him come to teach at Lytton Tennis Camp and this is what he said. " I played tennis since I was 7yrs old and was pushed by a allot of instructors at different camps and almost quite the sport all to-gether, when Shawn called me to teach at the camp 2yrs ago he and I clicked and his philosophy and how I would want to be taught as a 7yr old about Tennis jelled. This camp was exactly what I would have wanted when I was growing up."

I watch him instruct some kids age 6-8 years old and the kids ask to switch around the lesson and play a game instead, instead of saying no Jonathan adapts the lesson plan into the game.

Shawn explains that the camp provides individual attention instilling a sense of play, passion and sportsmanship to all the kids and Tennis lesson's are Designed by the kids, the instructors , and parents all have a say in what they learn.

I ask a little boy who is running around collecting the balls what makes him come to the camp he tells me his mom after a little more probing he tells me he like his teacher and being outside with his friends.

A father is teaching his son to hit the ball speaking French I approach the mom and ask her why she chose this camp? She found the site on the internet and Shawn got back to her right away and spoke french he was able to find an OTA instructor who could speak french while her kids were just learning English why not Soccer I ask she explains that the camp was a warm environment and the staff made her whole family feel welcomed and the whole family is having fun and even I am taking Tennis lesson too.

Where's the dirt their must be some, well the only thing I could find is that Shawn sets aside 10% of all enrollment spots for disadvantaged youth, and all kids and families are treated equally. He such a savvy promoter that he is constantly talking to the parent, kids and instructor's spreading his passion and love of the sport of Tennis to all.

He reminds me of Darren O'Donnell of Mammalian Diving Reflex, Eat the Street program back in May 2009 were Park dale Public school kids were the critics of different restaurants.

I move over to the Teens in the group and ask 3 girls and one shy boy why would they come to Play Tennis so early in the morning instead of staying home to play tennis on their Wii.
The Fresh air and the chance to hang out with their friends and playing video games is not the same thing as the real thing.
After awhile I finally decide to join the younger kids in line and learn how to hit a ball the kids didn't laugh and even if they did I had dream of grandeur of becoming a late boomer and joining McEnroe in the old timers circuit.

Melissa Bura known to the kids she teaches as Mel explains that even though this is her first year as a teacher she will be coming back next year to teach again where else would you get paid to act like a kid and play Tennis.

Well I know of one place as an former Ece Teacher I was constantly singing songs and playing games with infants- 6 yr olds. The camp might not produce the next Daniel Nester, Nadal or Federer but as the website brochure states Camp participants will leave with improved
tennis skills, confidence, independence and new friendships.

Summer fun is that not what we all want during this economic downturn.
Escape to Lytton Park Tennis Camp

pah co host of Tao of the sharp tongued goddess

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