Friday, November 6, 2009



Going Back To Camp

Going Back To Camp
by Paulette Andria Hamilton

On Saturday June 6th 2009 I was invited to Play tennis at Havergal College courts at Lytton Park Tennis Camp. Shawn Reynolds the Tennis director introduced me around to what the camp offers. I witnessed kids barely 4yrs old playing with Nerf balls and Tennis rackets really practising their swing through games of "What time is it Mr. wolf" and "Jail break". Lytton Park Tennis camp is not like any another Camp for kids, I was expecting to see John McEnroe type instructors but what I found was Jimmy Connors, and Chris Everett or for you younger viewers, William sisters and the like.

All the the instructors are OTA certified and know how to motivate 4yr olds right up the 16 years old teens which is hard in this day and age of playing Wii on Nintendo.

So how does this guy motivate Parents and their children to come to a camp that is partly about playing Tennis?

Lets go back in time a young man comes from Sudbury Ontario, Dreams about being actor is influenced with words of wisdom from his High school teacher Mr.Gabe Guzzo who gave Shawn Reynolds some sage advise especially being a small town boy moving to the big city.
The actor makes a transition from acting and finds his passion from playing tennis, he decides to open up a Camp a tennis training camp for kids at Avenue & Lawrence Rd , The Posh grounds of Havergal College private school for girls. He searches for instructors from the Ontario Tennis Association who think just like him or have a the same Philosophy about what a camp should be.

Shawn finds Jonathan Leizerovici his right hand man who helps to shape the camp. A place that is built on the premise that the process of learning should be both interactive and engaging.
I see kids playing warm up games before learning a mix of traditional skills building drills and non -traditional games designed to improve eye-hand coordination and stamina.

I ask Jonathan what made him come to teach at Lytton Tennis Camp and this is what he said. " I played tennis since I was 7yrs old and was pushed by a allot of instructors at different camps and almost quite the sport all to-gether, when Shawn called me to teach at the camp 2yrs ago he and I clicked and his philosophy and how I would want to be taught as a 7yr old about Tennis jelled. This camp was exactly what I would have wanted when I was growing up."

I watch him instruct some kids age 6-8 years old and the kids ask to switch around the lesson and play a game instead, instead of saying no Jonathan adapts the lesson plan into the game.

Shawn explains that the camp provides individual attention instilling a sense of play, passion and sportsmanship to all the kids and Tennis lesson's are Designed by the kids, the instructors , and parents all have a say in what they learn.

I ask a little boy who is running around collecting the balls what makes him come to the camp he tells me his mom after a little more probing he tells me he like his teacher and being outside with his friends.

A father is teaching his son to hit the ball speaking French I approach the mom and ask her why she chose this camp? She found the site on the internet and Shawn got back to her right away and spoke french he was able to find an OTA instructor who could speak french while her kids were just learning English why not Soccer I ask she explains that the camp was a warm environment and the staff made her whole family feel welcomed and the whole family is having fun and even I am taking Tennis lesson too.

Where's the dirt their must be some, well the only thing I could find is that Shawn sets aside 10% of all enrollment spots for disadvantaged youth, and all kids and families are treated equally. He such a savvy promoter that he is constantly talking to the parent, kids and instructor's spreading his passion and love of the sport of Tennis to all.

He reminds me of Darren O'Donnell of Mammalian Diving Reflex, Eat the Street program back in May 2009 were Park dale Public school kids were the critics of different restaurants.

I move over to the Teens in the group and ask 3 girls and one shy boy why would they come to Play Tennis so early in the morning instead of staying home to play tennis on their Wii.
The Fresh air and the chance to hang out with their friends and playing video games is not the same thing as the real thing.
After awhile I finally decide to join the younger kids in line and learn how to hit a ball the kids didn't laugh and even if they did I had dream of grandeur of becoming a late boomer and joining McEnroe in the old timers circuit.

Melissa Bura known to the kids she teaches as Mel explains that even though this is her first year as a teacher she will be coming back next year to teach again where else would you get paid to act like a kid and play Tennis.

Well I know of one place as an former Ece Teacher I was constantly singing songs and playing games with infants- 6 yr olds. The camp might not produce the next Daniel Nester, Nadal or Federer but as the website brochure states Camp participants will leave with improved
tennis skills, confidence, independence and new friendships.

Summer fun is that not what we all want during this economic downturn.
Escape to Lytton Park Tennis Camp

pah co host of Tao of the sharp tongued goddess

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Music @ Not MY Dog

The Undesirables do Exile on main street

If you are an Musician in a independent band and you have to get a day job why not invest your pay check while still playing in the band in running or owning a bar n0thing too big mind you just something that can hold about 50 people max .

Pah and the Anti-Karen went to this type of establishment to hear a band the Undesirables do cover songs of the rolling stones but not a mix of their greatest hits but the whole entire album of Exile on Main street.
Side one
  1. "Rocks Off" – 4:32
  2. "Rip This Joint" – 2:23
  3. "Shake Your Hips" (Slim Harpo) – 2:59
  4. "Casino Boogie" – 3:33
  5. "Tumbling Dice" – 3:45
Side two

  1. "Sweet Virginia" – 4:25
  2. "Torn and Frayed" – 4:17
  3. "Sweet Black Angel" – 2:54
  4. "Loving Cup" – 4:23
Side three
  1. "Happy" – 3:04
  2. "Turd on the Run" – 2:37
  3. "Ventilator Blues" (Jagger, Richards, Mick Taylor) – 3:24
  4. "I Just Want to See His Face" – 2:52
  5. "Let It Loose" – 5:17
Side four
  1. "All Down the Line" – 3:49
  2. "Stop Breaking Down" (Robert Johnson) – 4:34
  3. "Shine a Light" – 4:14
  4. "Soul Survivor" – 3:49
All four sides consist of the bands set list it was an interesting show to say the least and for once I appreciated the lyrics of stones more, after listening to this band.

Why would the owner or manger of Not my Dog allow this band to entertain a crowd who was getting drunker and drunker per song.

Shawn says cause he is fellow musician he plays drums in a couple of bands. Now I've got to add this Album or double CD to my rolling stone collection.

Move over Beatles , lost generation of the Who I've fell in love with the Stones Again.

Sharp tongue 1 Out.

cmw - Theantikaren pah's MySpace Blog |

cmw - Theantikaren pah's MySpace Blog |

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Music to listen to

  1. TV on the radio wolf like me
  2. Arcade fire my body is a cage
  3. The editors
  4. LCD sound-system
  5. beck
  6. the dead flag blues
  7. god sped you black emperor

Toronto Public Library event


Who put this great event together Mike Crossely of Exclaim, Greg Davis of Sound Scapes and President of the Toronto public library.

Just like 4 members in a band with a huge entourage and roadie crew.

I almost forgot way back last year when I and some friends camped out side in the overflow at Hillside 08, in the camp-site next to ours there was this group who sang covers of cool songs like Neil Young, Radio Head, and some other great bands.

One of the camp fire leaders was this pixie named Kelly from Guelph she had a soft but great sounding voice and low below she is in Gentlemen Reg as a background singer. Who Knew my camping neighbour would be a new musical discovery!

The slightly older crowd the ones who don't have a curfew were the ones left to hear this new musical discovery, I am not going to compare her to any one famous or already known because I hate it when media, critic's and the fan-boys have nothing creative to say so they compare new music to some thing old.

Yes I 'm guilty of this too but not this time.

"Boy-friend boy friend what will you do "

Come on everyone sing along with the REG and Kelly from Guelph cause when the clock strikes 12 the library is closed.

sharp tongue out.

Movie I worked on

Saturday, October 10, 2009

notes from the blue book

Music night at north York library

Concert starts late at least their is a coat check Pah being the only adult other than the staff at this event has brought her own BYOB and I am not sharing.

The crowd at this event is real young crowd high school and some jr highs are in attendance for some this is their first concert their parents have allowed them to go to on their own.

I over hear one of the girls say she has a curfew till eleven and the concert cant go any later can it?

Drinks of water are offered since this concert is PG-13 Exclaim Mag is one of the major sponsors of this event all the better to indoctrinate the young as to what good music is, this is way before Disney's Jonas brothers have taken over the youth who don't know good music.

too bad ckln is so WKRP that we could not be a sponsor for this event.

Door prizes are given away before each band and who hoo I win a bag again I do not plan to share my loot with those who did not win.

This concert is not a sitting down concert first we are in auditorium of the library all chairs have been put away so it's stand in front and sway to the sounds of the band.

I need to find out who is the organizer of this event see if I can't get liquid Ltd to play for next year.

Slim twig hits the stage at 8:30 with a rockabilly sound their is 3 in the band and they all command the stage to get our attention. I hear cello, small organ guitar, base,and drums.
Most of the artist are on Paper Bag Records its not for the small but appreciative crowd.

Free Music samplers of cd's are given away I cant wait to play it on the radio.
Hey an Ipod is being used as musical instrument never saw that before.

Listen to white fantasy song download it off my space it's a great song.

If you saw the Bruce McDonald film Tracey fragments staring it girl Ellen Page then you would have seen Slim Twig.

The bands Mingle with their fans what concert have you been to lately where you were able to do that?

Masia One Is she the Next Canadian Rap Asian style perform with hip hop dancers and listen to the sounds of her female scratch DJ major one . It's so cool to bring back the b-girl DJ Eloquence puts a great mix together .

Masia one originally comes from Montreal roots Eraka Badhu remix concept air brush looks remind me as a female dizzie rascal.
The Crowd is to young to dance with abandon the young is too self conscious.
Girl -B-girl Dancers and Japanese to boot hey ala Gwen and Missy Elliot.

Winter Gloves is next to play only 2 more bands to play I think.
Music sounds mighty fine and the band connects with the audience.
Gentlemen Reg saw him at Hillside and now he his head lining at Make some noise event Toronto public. library major step up.
Gentlemen is from Montreal it seams Montreal is becoming a big music scene so big that bands come to Toronto to spread their wings.

Clock strikes 11pm the crowd got smaller as the time got later 4 in band hillside will be battle ground.

I want to contact Paper Bag Records see what else is on their line up of indie Music?

What about a girl? / Vinyl albums is coming back thanks to slim twig and gentle men reg.

Concert CD mix would be great it was a great all ages event way up in North York.

notes from blue note book

Reel Asian film festival

I went to the closing party of the reel Asian film festival and the band that played that night was weird to say the least.

The music was so eclectic that a guy give the band the finger when they finally said this was the last song of their set.

I missed the movies this year but next time Reel Asian comes to town I plan to see the movies and do less of the parties.

Images of toronto after dark

Toronto after dark 2009

toronto after dark 2009

nuit blanche

Monday, September 14, 2009

Midnight madness


TIFF 2009

Dir: Sean BYRNE
Cast Xavier Samuel as Brent, Richard Wilson as Sac ,Robin McLeavy as Lola
Jessica McNamee as Mia, Victoria Thaine as Holly, John Brumpton as Eric

By sharp tongue 1 aka PAH

Boiling Hot Water will boil your brain according to Lola played by Robin McLeavy Psycho chick or Pretty in Pink gone bad.
The Great Horror flick written and directed by Sean Byrne Australia knows how to do Horror right.
The loved ones has all the elements of a good horror film it's been a long time since I've had to close my
eyes and Plug my ears so the sound could not penetrate into my conscious thoughts. The story is about Brent young teenager who has lost his father in a car accident. He is like Humpty Dumpty and his girlfriend Holly played by Victoria Thaine seems to be the only loved one to put him back together. Only problem is Lola and her twisted father can we say Electra complex to the extreme or Hitchcock Psycho reversed instead of Norman Bates and his mother we have Lola and over indulgent father.

In order to avoid a ghostly figure in the road, high school senior Brent Mitchell wraps his car around a tree, killing his father. Constantly confronted by his mother's emotional collapse after the accident, Brent escapes into a marijuana fueled world of loud metal music to block the pain and guilt. Dejected and out of sorts, he has a shot at happiness with his girlfriend Holly, a grounded, caring girl with drop dead good looks, a dream date for the high school prom. But his plans are thwarted by a disturbing series of events that take place under a mirrored disco ball, involving pink satin, glitter, syringes, nails, power drills and a secret admirer. Brent has become the prom king at a macabre, sadistic event where he is the entertainment. Written by Anonymous

This Horror is character driven by great use of music and colour for the girls, black for Goth Mia , Pastel for Holly and Hot pink for loo loo Lola. The references that is used in this film is as follows Evil dead, Carrie, Texas chainsaw massacre, Psycho , Misery, Pretty in Pink obscure

1969 horror flick staring Donald Pleasence called Wake & Fright and The Loved Ones by Evelyn Waugh ok I'm stretching that one a bit.

The Cinematography by Simon Chapman is as much part of the film bringing in the landscape of Australia and drilling long shots or too tight close up shots that added to the thrill of the Scare to the audience. The pacing on each extricating moment of the film takes a sling shot affect on the psyche of all involved.

Comparison Jennifer'S Body had the witty dialogue of Diabolo Cody but it's use of music either was over powering in its awfulness maybe because all involved does not really know the Genre of Horror. Sean Byrnes the loved ones knows how to use the music and one particular song sung by Lola brings back memories of stuck in the middle of you Alla Quentin Tarantino Reservoir dogs. A spoiler alert The twist in the Plot with Serial killer family theme abounds in this film, play close attention to the first 10 minutes of the film and see how the story all unfolds in the Loved Ones. Where French Martyrs was nihilistic in its message and film the Loved ones comes off as an action thriller with out the pretension that Horror films is making a statement it should not be making. Fans should go out to see this film right away.

During the Q & A at the premier of the opening film the cast crew and Producer came up on stage and talk about the experience of making the film and thank goodness the audience did not ask unintelligent questions? All who came on the stage Holly, Brent, Mia Producer Michael Boughen brought the funny to the scary, especially Sean Byrne who did some great research when choosing horrific scenes his attention to detail reference serial killer Dalmer, who Knew Jeffrey Dalmer used Power drills on his victims ?

To all who want to make a horror film follow the path of Sean Byrne know the genre, do your research and go low budget, the quality is in the final product and The Loved ones does not disappoint I've been restored in my faith for the horror genre damn that film was good.

The movie has Australian feel to it but since it takes place in Australia it should not matter the themes are universally translated world wide.I love to escape or travel to different parts of the world.

By Pah

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Eat the street

Eat The Street

PARKDALE Pumas who are they ? well they are the grade 7 & 8's age group between 12-13 who are the food critics for this evening .

What would make 12 restaurants submit their cooking skills to the whims of pre-teens ? The chance to introduce new foods to people in the neighborhood join pah aka sharp tongue 1 on this journey as I tape and interview the kids for CKLN 88.1 FM radio. Podcast are great.



First time at images can sometimes be overwhelming but oh boy did sharp tongued 1 have a great time with wetting her senses.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Pah @ cmw

Canadian Music Week
March 11-14th

Pah's second year at cmw but this time as Media.

It was all about the corporate music and sounds so how does a local community radio station fit in with that scenario?

Independent Music and Independent labels. So I went to cmw kick off party at the tatoo rock parlour to hear :

  1. Bury the Bully
  2. Isles of Thieves
  3. Songs from A Room
  4. Inward Eye

Saturday, March 7, 2009

hilside inside review







Ckln 88.1fm


Rally against Peter and Mercedes

CKLN's OFFICES are CLOSED indefinitely because Peter Toh (show: Africa United) & Mercedes Otway (show: West Indian Flames) have ILLEGALLY changed the locks of all of the office doors at ckln. They did this WITHOUT receiving consent of, or support of the Board of Directors of CKLN. They did they of their own volition, without even conferring with ckln's station manager, Sam Shnapps also. This is FRAUD!!These actions are preventing Staff from doing their jobs & Volunteers from doing preparation for their shows. The staff can not even get into their offices to get their personal belongings. Peter Toh now is the ONLY person with keys to CKLN. Who gave him authority to do this? Who is going to pay for the cost of these locks being changed?

In the process of changing the locks last Friday, Peter Toh also physically assaulted a ckln volunteer who was on the phone at the time with the station manager. This volunteer is pressing assault charges against Peter Toh because of his actions. Earlier that day, he also was heard threatening to shoot the station manager. These two board members are also refusing to pay the Staff. So the Staff have been without pay for a number of weeks now. They have tried to come to work inspite of this, but have been continually harassed when doing so, and thus have given up. Mercedes and Peter are now insisting they have the authority to FIRE Staff and KICK PEOPLE OFF THE AIR as they want. Even if Mercedes was legally the Chair of the B.O.D. (which she is not), according to ckln's legal By-Laws

posted on our website; "By Law 39, Duties Of Officers", these are her powers: (a) The Chair shall: (cc) preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. AND, (b) See that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect. Nowhere does it state she can act without the consent of the majority consent of the B.O.D. which she has done. She is perpetuating a FRAUD against CKLN.

Mercedes Otway is supposed to our Volunteer B.O.D. representative - how does these actions support the best interests of volunteers at ckln?Mercedes Otway is supposed to our Volunteer B.O.D. representative - how does these actions support the best interests of volunteers at ckln?

Please email Mercedes at and voice your concerns. Our other Volunteer Representative is Paulette Hamilton who does not agree with these actions Peter & Mercedes have been taking and is being harassed by them for doing so. Please email her at with any questions.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pah @ hillside sharp tongued 1 inside

Inside Hillside Pah's adventure.

In a small town called Guelph 11 bands came to play, Music food and get a education about the envirnmont we live in. I pah, winnie alligham and Alex Kennberg my trusty photographer came to hear The stars, Sam roberts band, Bedouin soundclash, bell Orchestre great lake swimmers, K'naan, thunderheist, jay Malinowski, the majic, the D'urbervilles and that 1 guy. Play their instruments on 2 alternating stages.

First up was the D'ubervilles hometown boys made good playing 2 rocking sounds should not be two hard.

Great Lake Swimmers sang a song about Manic depression channeling the ambient folk sounds of
Cohen or some other great group .

The magic 5 piece band local group playing to the biggest crowd which will only get bigger when this band tours to T.O.

Hippie dippy crowd 21 & up the one night the whole small town youth come out to play.

K'naan if rap gets jealous then let them go fuck themselves I say.

the band rocked like the roots and the crowd finally found it's grove like Stella. hey crowd participation is the name and getting super drunk by 2:30pm does not count.

Jay Malinowski solo of Bedouin 2 guys and 2 guitars stop yelling for Bedouin music this is his new and solo stuff folks.

Bell orchestre this outfit are a bunch of fine musicians and they should be adored for improving classical music for the young masses. If you like the sound of Arcade fire then you should worship at the alter of bell. Moody music feel the heat only when the back stage door is not opened every 5 min. The youth just did not know when one song ended and another began the groups showmanship was on point but to the youth i was standing beside found it stale.

Hey this music would be good for a movie.?

Thunderheist dance crew left me cold but not the youth who copied the moves and after graham body surfed the crowd join the band on stage to Jerk it one more time. dance in the grove just like we did in the summer on the picnic tables this show was not the same but maybe because the crowd was not the same except for me.

Bedouin Soundclash saw them from up top because my companions had to eat. good thing I've seen the band many times before, looking down at the crowd which had grown since the last band. good reggae or ska what ever label you want to give this band.

That 1 guy I really like this dude he rocks the crowd again don't know when a song ends but who cares his big home made instrument can do house music, electro punk and shoot out smoke. cool factor all the way around.

Sam Roberts Band five band of brothers rocking it out loud this band does a really good show.
beach balls were surfing instead of the crowd, hunky music by some hunky cute guys.
I hope the bridge to no where does this band justice no power naps for the old young people are surfing because the kids don't know how to dance to rock and roll these days.

one life to live brings back Stevie ray Vaughn blues blues baby. check out the great pics that will be posted on my space done by Alex and Winnie. Tao of the sharp tongued goddess .

The best for last The stars one more night and take me to a riot has such meaning to me now. No gentle men reg but I guess he is too busy with solo. no bell jamboree which would have been great. instead we get real flowers , stage presence and David bowie theatrics, the band really knows how to tell a story and make the audience feel like they are part of the story.

Bitches in guelph blow ur horn multi talented Morrisey now during his fun days not during his dears / smiths days.
I feel like a voyeur to the fantasy that the stars weave and I enjoy peaking into that girl/ boy roll call.

The stars end with I think your ex-lover is dead or something like it I think i might move to Montreal and start a band...
sharp tongued 1 out.